The excess tea drinking problem I have has not been affected.. |
1. 1,000 SALES - currently have approx 100 pre-orders placed!
2. 1,000 WORDS PUBLISHED - 580 have been officially published up to today. Thanks to journalist Jim Hayes and Margaret Roddy of The Argus. The Newry Democrat will publish an article in their 'Vibe' section of the newspaper next Tuesday and some positive feedback from Hot Press has opened up the possibility of a mention of some kind in the next few weeks. My only concern on this experiment is the possibility of missing a publication and not being able to acknowledge the journalist!
3. 1,000 MINUTES BROADCAST - This experiment definately concerned music professionals the most. Getting 16.66 hours of radio or tv time is very very difficult even for the most established artist. I can't explain why but I have a quiet confidence on this one. Maybe my gut feeling will be proven otherwise but I have accumalated 60 mins of airtime over the past 12 days. Harry Lee on Louth Internet Radio kindly gave me 40 mins of airtime on his show this morning which of course makes up the most of those 60 mins. The remaining minutes come from an interview on Northern Sound with Sean McCaffrey, airplay of my singles on various radio stations throughout Ireland. (I am registered with Nielsen Music so I can keep a weekly track of my plays!) and project mentions on other radio stations that I have been informed of.
4. 1,000 TWITTER FOLLOWERS - I have nearly 100 new followers, without spending or devoting much time to twitter so that's a positive start!
Of the remaining 6 experiments, some are slowly getting off the ground and some are not scheduled to kick into action until August!
I also enjoyed a visit to Mark McGuire photography in Newbrige, Co.Kildare for my EP photoshoot, which stressed me a little in the lead up to it. I had a lot of ideas for styling, locations etc and it began to get a little overwhelming in deciding on what look would work best. A quick visit to Penny's and a sorting through of clothes and accessories I already had made things clearer and in the end I am happy with my choices and the style I went for. There are lots more photos in the editing stages. The project is proving a lot of fun despite being intense and keeping record of all the different aspects is taking a lot of time. All in all, it's been a great start. The FUNDIT campaign is 80% funded and you can still pre-order the EP and some additional bits and pieces here. FUNDIT
Thanks for all the messages and gestures of support!! Chat soon xx
One of the 10,000 EP shots - MarkMcGuire Photography |