Thursday, 18 October 2012


Ok so this would seem relatively easy too to achieve. I made a decision when I set this target to try and get the 'likes' in a genuine way, as in not paying FB for ads etc. Apparently the correct term for that I have learned is 'organic' likes.

I have an official singer/songwriter page as well as a personal account on FB. So my challenge was to build 1,000 new FB page likes and use the page more than I use my personal account. When I set the challenge I had 840 likes on my page. It currently stands at 899 which is a fairly miserable increase of 59. Long way off 1,000.

Honestly, I wasn't expecting the result to be so poor. The week that I started the experiments was the first week that I noticed people posting about changes to FB pages and that in order for you to be successful with your page, you had to pay for ads. Well, I'd agree to some extent, I probably could have popped a few quid in the FB advertising accounts and bought myself some extra likes. But I also know that I didn't spend enough time myself. I mean, you really need to be on your page everyday posting events, links, videos, sharing the page on all the other sites you have.. twitter, reverbnation, bandcamp, soundcloud and really focussing your attention on increasing that number.

So this experiment, out did me. I wasn't expecting to have to put much time and effort into it and definitely underestimated how difficult it would be! I have learned through this experiment that the social media end of promoting your acts requires a plan of action, a disciplined routine and perhaps a person to actually work on this on your behalf.

Chat soon xx

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